Offers that find the “right” customers?

Everybody talks about the right offer to the right customer at the right time. While this is exciting, its also very difficult for most if not all… But Why?

The overhead associated with testing and learning what offers work vs. not is the problem.

The time, cost and complexity associated with testing a new or a derivation of an existing offer prevents the marketer from keeping pace with the sophistication and speed of customer behavior. Typically, the total cycle time of learning extends beyond the pace of change of consumer behavior which can leave the marketer questioning “why even test at all”…

What would happen if the overhead associated with determining the “right” customer and the “right” time to message were minimized or completely eliminated?

A recent Toovio customer has experienced this dramatic reduction in overhead associated with fast learning. As a result of the Toovio platform, this marketer was able to create more variation in offers and messaging thereby appealing to a broader base of customers. We call this personalization “in the moment”… a combination that spins an entirely new value proposition for the marketer as an exponentially increasing speed of learning is realized in the form of response and revenue optimization.

Check out the case study here

Its time to flip the paradigm of traditional segmentation and targeting. Let your offers find the customers within an ecosystem in which the “who” and “when” will sort itself out autonomously.