How is Toovio different?

We get this one all the time and it just hit me this morning its actually a very simple answer. In the past decade over 35+ implementations we’ve learned that real-time marketing systems only work well under certain conditions. These conditions can be categorized into two buckets

Characteristics of the business model
pre-existing decision component framework
Toovio is different because we have learned a specific combination of conditions across the above categories that allow real-time marketing to flourish and we’ve built a software platform that focuses exclusively on these serving companies and customers under these conditions.

Here’s what we look for in a business model

  • at least 100,000 customers
  • customers making at least 2 revenue transactions per week
  • at least 50 offers, products or service message variations
  • a digitally known, opted-in customer that has a personal device
  • What is a pre-existing “decision component framework” ?

Most of the enterprise decision management tools today don’t do much out of the box. Meaning, when you install them you still need to configure them. Here’s where it gets complicated… How much configuration is necessary? This depends on what industry you’re in, what integrations you need, who the stakeholders are (if they exist) and what organizational goals and metrics they are accountable for… When you start out with all these questions answered in a pre-defined way you can see results instantly instead of having to move mountains within your organization. Pre-existing frameworks typically show consistent ROI within 1-3 months of go live whereas traditional tools can take as long as 8 – 18 months, if ever.

In this approach the main benefits that drive significant ROI are

  • reduced IT costs
  • speed to market
  • fast learning for the marketers resulting in exponentially increasing sophistication

Toovio is different because we have a pre-existing decision component framework and we only apply it to business models that meet certain conditions. We have proven this approach guarantees results and we’ll stand behind our product even so far as to offer revenue share pricing.